Our Classes
More than just Hot Yoga. More than just Yoga.
Expect this page to change fast and frequently as we add classes and instructors to the Collective! What you will read in the classes and descriptions below is what we “know for sure” as of today.
We have designed our studio as a space where people of all abilities can come to practice; whether you are looking for a challenging work out, or a more relaxing and restorative experience. We will offer hot, warm, and room temperature classes and will be working with other instructors to bring more classes to our space. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
The minimum age to attend a class is 15 years, unless it is a "children’s” or “all ages” class. A parent must consent to minors attending class, and must attend the first class with their child.*
Hot Yoga Foundations
(all levels)
Move & Sweat. This 60 minute class includes a sequence of postures involving breath, and movement. This Hot class takes place in our beautiful 550 square foot heated studio. It is a beginner class, but advanced modifications are offered throughout. The heat will soften muscles and joints, allowing you to go farther into the poses and burn additional calories. Feel free to show up as early as 20 minutes prior to the beginning of class to relax on your mat while your body acclimatizes to the heat. Each class begins with warm up breath and movement poses to ensure a safe and comfortable workout.
*This class is not suitable for those with high blood pressure, or who are pregnant. If you have other health concerns, please consult with your physician before attending a hot class.
Not ready for a full hot class? Try our “LESS HOT” Yoga class. Same sequence, less heat!
Hot Yoga Shred
Hot Yoga + HIIT is here! This 60 minute class blends Hot Yoga with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). We will focus on warming up our body and connecting to our breath before diving into some targeted Yoga Shreds. Each Yoga Shred targets fast twitch muscle fibers, for faster toning and results!
The class ends with a restorative cool down to make sure you receive maximum benefits from your workout! Different variations of the Shreds will be offered so that people of varying levels can take part. Are you up for the challenge?
*This class is not suitable for those with high blood pressure or who are pregnant.
*If you do not have a strong history of cardio activities or working out in the heat, please try a few Hot Yoga Foundations classes before attending Hot Yoga Shred.
*If you have any medical concerns please check with your doctor prior to coming to class.
Hot Vinyasa
Slow movements and postures linked with breath provide a challenging full body workout in a heated studio. Downward dogs, planks, and warriors will tone up your arms, shoulders, legs and core.
*This class is not suitable for those with high blood pressure or who are pregnant.
*If you do not have a history of movement in the heat, please try a few Hot Yoga Foundations classes before attending Hot Vinyasa.
*If you have any medical concerns please check with your doctor prior to coming to class.
New Moon Yoga (warm)
This class welcomes you to move inwards and get in touch with yourself. You will have time for self-reflection and to celebrate the new beginnings symbolized by the New Moon. A new moon is also the most powerful time to set an intention. Think of it like planting a seed in the mind – over the coming weeks, you water that seed and reaffirm your intention until it comes to fruition.
You’ll move through a gentle, restorative meditation through movement. Join us in our monthly ritual of meditation and manifestation under the energy of the new moon.
Class is open to people of all levels of yoga experience, including beginners.
Warm Yin Yoga
Move & Stretch. More of a guided massage than a cardio workout, this full body experience targets deep muscles, organs, and connective tissues throughout the body. Improve range of motion & circulation in the joints and challenge yourself to an hour of “slowing down”.
In this class, we will stretch & hold a number of postures in a comfortably warm environment. If you are wanting a slow down and full body reset, join us for Warm Yin!
Yoga Flow (unheated)
A blend of hatha and vinyasa, this class is suitable for those interested in practicing the foundations of yoga postures, while adding in some intermediate postures. No previous experience necessary and modifications will be offered so all can attend. Take this hour for yourself, to connect your body, mind, and spirit.
High Fitness
High Fitness brings aerobics back in a hip and unique way. Experience a modern twist on aerobics in a non-stop action packed hour of cardio and toning tracks that will take your fitness to the next level. Adaptable to all levels of fitness, you can go high, or you can go low - but you will definitely leave feeling high!
High Intensity Interval Training Classes (all levels)
HIIT uses bursts of intense exercise followed by low-intensity recovery periods. These classes will help you maximize your workout in minimal time. Our HIIT classes offer increased cardiovascular capacity, improved athletic condition, and increased strength, kicking your metabolism into overdrive to help you get to a new level of fitness! These classes are suitable for all levels as modifications are offered throughout class.
Resistance HIIT classes will use a band for extra resistance to increase strength. Resistance in addition to functional movement exercises will leave you with a full body burn.
Bodyweight HIIT classes use no equipment at all, but do not be fooled – you will still work just as hard. Since no equipment is used, increased workload and decreased rest periods will put your strength and endurance to the test.
Kettlebell HITT classes use various kettlebell weights that increase the load on your stabilizer muscles creating a challenging workout that tones all areas of the body.
*Our studio is a shoe free zone. This class will be in bare feet.
“Less” Hot & “Warm” Barre Flow
Barre Flow classes are isometric and low impact workouts (easy on joints). Zero dance experience needed to join in and have an amazing time. This class incorporates stretching, barre, yoga, pilates, and restorative mobility to strengthen your body and target flexibility. Barre workouts will start with a slow movement warm up, then into a faster paced sculpting routine with core strength to follow. End class by a full stretching routine to leave feeling stronger, more energized, and restored! This class is offered as both unheated and at our “less” hot studio temperature.
*If you have any medical concerns please check with your doctor prior to coming to class.
Warm Stretch + Restore
This soft, gentle class will restore and replenish your muscles. You’ll increase your flexibility and find sweet relief in this class set to relaxing music. Release tight muscles and tissues with a roller, mobility ball and dynamic stretching. Prevent injuries and learn empowering functional anatomy that will support your fitness practice. At the end of this class, you’ll feel like you got a deep tissue massage. Although this class has the name Barre in it, you do not have to attend a Barre Flow class before attending this class – this just means we focus on stretching and releasing the muscles that are heavily targeted in Barre workouts – hips, glutes, quads, and calves.